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  • Writer's pictureMatt Zupon

An Afternoon with Scott Presler

Scott Presler,

If you use Twitter and follow any conservative accounts, this name may ring a bell. Following the vicious, yet warranted, attacks on Baltimore from President Trump, eyes across the nation turned to the Maryland metropolis. In typical fashion, left pointed right and right pointed left as for who to blame.

A minor celebrity on Twitter at the time with about 50,000 followers, @ScottPresler, decided to make a change. He organized a cleanup of Baltimore, which unified many to work for a common goal of cleaner cities. While the far left launched attacks against him, he continued to go and clean cities like San Francisco, Chicago, and Los Angeles, to name a few.

In addition to his acts of selfless community service, his dedication to registering voters and helping Donald Trump’s re-election campaign remains stunning. He travels across the country engaging with voters and teaching volunteers how to effectively register supporters of President Trump. Even during the pandemic, Scott dedicated his time and efforts to educate the American people on the importance of voter registration.

Like many social media activists, millions know the name but very few know them past their phone screens. We got to meet Scott Presler this weekend in State College, PA. His enthusiasm radiated among all the audience. Plethoras of cheers reverberated throughout the hall we occupied. His personable approach easily explains his success with voter registration. Given that he now boasts over 690,000 followers on Twitter, we viewed it as an honor to meet him.

Despite his warm embrace of the President and his policies, Scott presented a far different tone with his approach to voter registration. He made it a point to treat all voters with dignity and respect to win them over. He presented us with plenty of other great ideas, too. Engaging with people wearing Republican gear. Talking to friends and family to guarantee registration. While the list goes on, text cannot replicate watching Scott present in person.

It felt surreal to engage with a Twitter celebrity face-to-face, and even get called upon to role play as a Republican voter and Democrat voter and how to deal with opposition when registering voters. The information learned today will be crucial if employed correctly.

Scott Presler visits every corner of the United States. If you believe in conservatism, believe in our Constitution, believe in our way of life, it is highly recommended you attend a Presler training. A little over 40,000 people call State College home. On the flipside, Scott will also travel to major cities like Detroit.. Scott believes in his cause and you should too!

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