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  • Writer's pictureSeth Segal

[Opinion] President Trump Is Right on Immigration

By Seth Segal

President Trump is right to pause immigration until this health crisis ends. While President Trump is not against all immigration, as always, he is in favor of an immigration policy that puts America First. Now more than ever is the time for an implementation of that policy. No longer will globalism dictate American policies.

At a time when our country is facing a pandemic like we haven't seen before and the economy is closed, it's not the time to bring in more immigrants who could potentially take American jobs. Now is the time for an American economic boom to help put back the pieces of the shutdown economy.

While some will call an immigration pause xenophobic, those same voices called President Trump's move to close travel from China xenophobic and now those voices ask why the President did not implement that sooner. Joe Biden, for example, now agrees with the move to shut down travel from China. The naysayers will never be happy because whatever President Trump decides they will oppose.

As states start to reopen we face a potential economic downturn. While Americans don't have jobs and Corona related unemployment skyrockets it would be unjust for our government to import people from other countries to provide jobs for, while American citizens starve. The consequences of an economic shut down are real.

Finally, this President ran on America First immigration policies, including a border wall, to keep illegal immigrants out as well as to limit immigration to skilled workers and end chain migration. His platform was always to put Americans before foreign nationals. Right now, however, is not the time for immigration. The priority should be getting American citizens back to work safely and employ more Americans.

Follow Seth on Twitter @conservative013

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