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  • Writer's pictureCassy Beere

The Importance of PPE

With so much information flying around online, one must properly evaluate the information they receive.

by Cassy Beere

PPE stands for personal protective equipment, and is used by healthcare workers all over the United States. There is becoming a shortage of these PPE packs and as a result has ended up in strikes and protests from healthcare workers. I would like to stress the importance of PPE packs by explaining how each piece of this pack can be used by those in the healthcare field to protect themselves and how to properly put these items on and take them off after use.

The face mask. Face masks are now required to be worn wherever you go so having one in the PPE pack makes it convenient while keeping said healthcare worker safe in his/her working situation. According to the World Health Organization, the use of these masks remains “critical” and “prioritised” for those who work in healthcare (World Health Organization, 2020)

Normally, a regular surgical mask is included in the PPE packs but the face mask most wanted right now is the N95. The N95 is a single-use respirator that is made of polyester fibers that keep out 95% of small airborne particles. Where the regular surgical masks prevent huge droplet exposure, they are loose fitting, and are not sufficient enough for keeping out small particles.

The gown. The gowns help with the prevention of droplet and fluid exposure. This gown helps keep the health worker’s skin protected while working on a patient Since PPE packs are scarce, there are healthcare workers using plastic aprons as an alternative in order to get them to the max level of protection.

The Gloves. If in contact with a COVID-19 patient, it is essential for a healthcare worker to use gloves to protect themselves. Gloves are single-use. After the use of the gloves, they are to be immediately taken off in the proper manner and disposed of accordingly. The healthcare worker then must wash their hands thoroughly with warm, soapy water for at least twenty seconds. (wash palms, back of hands, in between fingers, and also underneath the fingernails.)

The goggles. As recommended by the WHO and the CDC, goggles are to be used by healthcare workers for the protection of their eyes from splashes, splatters, and droplet exposures. Some face masks have visors connected to them which provide the same amount of protection.

Other parts of the PPE kit include: overshoes (coverings to put over closed in shoes for fluid exposure protection), and a headcover (which is like a hairnet, can be used to cover more surface area on the head for those who want it)

The steps to put on and take off PPE also linked is a video of these steps!


1. Grab the PPE pack and take it into the scrub room or changing room.

(make sure it is unopened for proper use)

2. First things first, put on shoe covers

3. Place the gown over scrubs (if unavailable, use a plastic apron if supplies


4. Put on mask

5. Put on goggles or face shield

6. Put on the headcover (if available)

7. Perform hand hygiene

8. Put gloves on OVER the cuff of the gown


1. Take off shoe covers (can slide off with each shoes)

2. Take off gloves properly and dispose accordingly SANITIZE HANDS

3. Take off headcover, goggles/face shield (remove by band) SANITIZE


4. Take off mask (removed by band near the ear) SANITIZE HANDS

5. Take off the gown (DO NOT touch outside of gown) SANITIZE HANDS


Follow Cassy on Twitter, @CassyBeere1

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