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  • Writer's pictureMatt Zupon

[Opinion] Biden's Myth of Moderacy

One could not make a graver mistake than electing Joe Biden in hopes of a moderate President, even in direct conjunction with our current President.

By Matt Zupon

When most Americans reflect on our polarizing political atmosphere, they revolt at the dischord struck by divisive figures. While tough decisions will output strong opinions from every angle, some politicians seem to purposely align with divisionary topics. Rhetoric will greatly enhance these opinions, but policy fuels the division even greater. After three years of the Trump administration, a thorough analysis of policies proposed by the President exists. While no records from a Biden presidency exist, a peek at his votes as a Senator and proposals as Vice President can count in this.

A complete myth of moderacy surrounds the name Joe Biden. When media pundits, Democrats, and even some Republicans label the former Vice President a moderate, they clearly fail to analyze his records as Senator and Vice President. Throughout his career, Mr. Biden fought for some of the farthest-left policies in Washington. In addition, his platform for President represents someone from a position farther left than President Trump sits right. Let’s break down some of the key proposals of the Biden campaign and past policies he supported:

On Border Security

The dominant story in every headline this decade goes to the Coronavirus, or COVID-19. The virus led to a temporary halt of our economy. According to the Department of Labor, over 33 million Americans filed for total unemployment or some sort of financial assistance due to lost hours. In addition, tens of thousands of Americans died due to this virus. While the World Health Organization and China both remain at fault for a botched response to the initial outbreak in Wuhan, many Western European countries that saw tons of tourists come to and from America handled the pandemic poorly as well.

The simplest action to point to in this dilemma comes from January 31st, when President Trump forbade travelers from China from entering the United States. In a video from early on in the pandemic, Mr. Biden called Trump’s measures “xenophobic” and claimed they “incite hysteria”. Months later, he came out in support of the plan.

This typical leftist fear-mongering occurs daily when the President attempts to protect our country’s borders. It aligns well with the Biden mentality of weak borders. In fact, Mr. Biden proposed sending more aid to foreign countries and not strengthening our own borders. The ideas of the American people clearly lie with Trump in this instance, as 74% of Americans polled call the southern-border issue a “crisis” or “major problem”. Despite all this, Mr. Biden still takes the extremist position of opposing a border wall and increased security.

On the Economy

Perhaps no aspect of a country consumes more debate and critical thought than the economy. The economy covers so many aspects that discussing it in brevity remains difficult. With that said, Mr. Biden’s economic ideas would bankrupt this nation. While many different plans could garner focus, this will focus on a few hot topic issues in the economy

Free College

The notion of free college should horrify students, including myself. Think about the millions of “baby boomers” that started a career out of high school. Once high school became more universal, the potency of a high school degree decreased. Today, a high school degree serves more like a checkmark than an accomplishment. Bachelor’s degrees even seem less effective than a mere twenty years ago.

Just like supply and demand with products or services, educational benchmarks can flood the employment marketplace. According to his website, Joe Biden wants to make public colleges free. This would severely cripple the chances of many individuals hoping to score a return on investment from their risk of attending college.

Taxes & Regulations

Mr. Biden, like the President he served with, would push for regulation of the economy. Mr. Biden also wishes to expand many federal bureaucracies, such as the EPA. Bureaucracies typically make life harder for all (other than those employed by the agencies). While President Trump cut two regulations for every one implemented, Mr. Biden would support straddling businesses with regulations. He even admitted in an article that he would raise taxes on small businesses. Mr. Biden also proposed raising taxes on the middle class.


Perhaps the most terrifying factor of Mr. Biden’s stance on the economy comes from his lust for big spending. According to Politico, he exclaimed that he wants a new stimulus “a hell of a lot bigger” than the monster President Trump passed. The past few Presidents, both Republican and Democrat, wrongfully continue to spend away with no remorse. Promising to add even more to a sinfully-bloated budget in hopes for “environmental justice” or another hollow cause will cripple our future generations with debt.

On Minimum Wage

America the beautiful, a country with over 328 million people covering nearly 3.8 million square miles. Fifty states of diverse populations comprise these millions of square miles and house the millions of people. Given those statistics, many would argue a one-size-fits-all approach to the greatness of America would not work. Our forefathers agreed that no one government should dictate our lives, hence the Tenth Amendment. While completely legal, the federal minimum wage should serve as a small, marginal checkbox rather than a massive wage. People in Wyoming can afford living costs much easier than costs in a state like California, and therefore, the majority of government minimum wage regulations should rest with the state.

Mr. Biden believes, however, that the federal minimum wage should increase to $15 an hour. The Congressional Budget Office projected in 2019 that an increase in wages to $15/hr could sacrifice up to 4 million jobs by 2029. Keep in mind that this much of a raise would more than double our current minimum wage of $7.25, which would highly increase inflation as well.

On the Second Amendment

As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Joe Biden forwarded the “Gun-Free School Zone” act to a vote on the floor. While the legislation may seem like common sense, it prohibits law-abiding teachers and school guards from protecting their students. Interestingly enough, Slate, demonstrates EXACTLY how this law backfired. Minus 2001, 2003, and 2004, every year following 1990 through 2012 proved deadlier and more frequent than the years preceding 1990.

The former Vice President’s overall understanding of firearms may come into question. At a manufacturing plant in Michigan, Biden called the infamous AR-15 an “AR-14” and verbally insulted the concerned auto worker, saying he shouldn’t own one. His understanding of the Supreme Court Case “DC v. Heller” must not range far.

On Healthcare

It should come as no surprise that the man that famously uttered “This is a big f--king deal” to President Obama upon signing the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, into law would support a socialized, degenerated healthcare system. The infamously flawed individual mandate, which President Trump eliminated in 2017, would see new life under a Biden administration assuming he delivered on that promise. The individual mandate would fine people uninsured $695 A YEAR per adult and $347.50 per child. In a free society, the notion of forced services seems unthinkable. Sadly, it lived not that long ago.

On the Courts

Serving as Vice President to the man who appointed Sonia Sotomayor, it should come as no surprise that Biden would appoint viciously unconstitutional judges. Biden’s website lists nothing regarding court appointments. Upon research, his only real promise is to only appoint black women to the Supreme Court. While millions of the aforementioned demographic serve as wonderful lawyers and would make wonderful Supreme Court Justices, excluding millions of other qualified individuals based on these pretenses proves both racist and sexist, by definition.

As for lower level courts, one can guess that Biden would appoint people based on similar prerequisites.

Overall Judgment

Joe Biden, to put it frankly, represents poor judgment. While we cannot accuse him of the actions, or inactions, of President Obama, we can question why he never advocated for a different path. In 2016, an effective war against police was underway. ISIS dominated the Middle East while our administration at the time called them a “JV team”. Our enemies laughed at our incompetence as we sold our nation to those wishing to do us harm. Healthcare premiums devastated average Americans (thanks to Obamacare). Real unemployment threw a shadow on the numbers the Obama admin switched to. Our GDP never peaked over 2.9% annually. Clearly the judgment of the Obama-Biden administration failed our country.

In conclusion, a Biden Presidency would represent a progressive nightmare. Even a lady on a Vox special making a case for Joe Biden pronounced that the media would label Joe “a progressive” with the absence of Sanders and Warren, and that despite his comparative moderacy, he still embodies the most progressive platforms in history. From healthcare to guns to taxes to executive power, Joe Biden could not stray further from a path of moderation and the exacerbated narrative that he classifies as one should horrify everyone.

All opinions expressed within the contents of this article reflect the views and values of the author, not Politics NOW.

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1 commentaire

Nancy Elizabeth
Nancy Elizabeth
12 mai 2020

Perhaps the view of him as a moderate goes back to the day when he seemed to be more of a fair-minded person interested in actually governing--like when he voted for Clarence Thomas--and as Judiciary Chairman, handled those hearings with relative professionalism. O, how the mighty have fallen.

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