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  • Writer's pictureSeth Segal

[Opinion] China, An Unreliable Adversary

Updated: May 7, 2020

China is not our friend and proves its unreliability during this time of global crisis.

By Seth Segal

While China has a history of spying on America as well as currency manipulation, no one saw this pandemic coming. China unleashed a pandemic to the rest of the world. According to many opinions, the Chinese Communist Party knew about this pandemic long before they informed the world about it and informed us that it can spread easily from person to person.

Make no mistake about it; it's now believed Covid-19 began in a Chinese lab in Wuhan, China. This is why many refer to this correctly as The Wuhan Virus. While we have no evidence to suggest The Chinese government unleashed this disease intentionally, they intentionally hid the breakout. Doctors who warned about this virus "disappeared" and the Chinese government destroyed evidence.

The Communist government even went as far as to order flights to stop travel from Wuhan to other locations in China while allowing flights out of Wuhan to the rest of the world. This shows the disregard of the Communist government of China for those not living in the nation.

President Trump has long called out China for taking advantage of America and now has made clear he is not happy with the way China handled what could have been a local virus. Missouri is even suing China for the damage they have caused.

This fact should make it clear to The American people that China is no ally and knowingly exposed Americans to a pandemic that could have been confined to a province in China. The communist government of China has blood on its hands. America should not rely on China for goods and medicine.

A Chinese newspaper with ties to the Chinese government even threatened to withhold medicine during this pandemic. The best path going forward is to put America First and manufacture here at home instead of China even if it means paying more. The Chinese government must be held economically accountable and instead of made in China our clothes, toys and other goods should say made in The USA.

All opinions expressed within the contents of this article reflect the views and values of the author, not Politics NOW.

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