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  • Socialist Utopia

[Opinion]Dear Protesters, Facts Still Matter

George Floyd, this name had been attached to the idea of police brutality and the modern narrative of systematic oppression. A white racist cop murdered an unarmed black man, but is that the whole story?

by "Socialist Utopia"

George Floyd, this name had been attached to the idea of police brutality and the modern narrative of systematic oppression. A white racist cop murdered an unarmed black man, but is that the whole story? #GeorgeFloyd

The more I thought about this the more I started to think that there might be a whole lot more going on this two-factor simple two-factor analysis. The first thing that made me start to question this was the reaction that the horse and buggy fake new media was feeding us. It could not be that they lied so many times before, but this time, we swear they are telling the truth.

The problem with the legacy media is that they are not in the business of reporting the news anymore, they are in the business of delivering you to their advertisers. The narrative that the fake news media has brought us has led to self-destructive beliefs, the main one being is that the locus of control lies outside of the black community in structural racism. This leads people to believe that the control lies outside of themselves or their communities, on other people, which, in a very real sense, handicaps personal and community growth.

One of the saddest parts of the narrative is that it has led to mass riots which have decimated minority communities.

This got me started on a journey of discovery that ended with discovering several facts that we should not ignore. John Adams once said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

This is no truer today than when he said it but somehow the world has been swept away with modern natives. Here are just a few facts about the George Floyd case, for those who still care about facts. #Truth

1. At the time of his death, George Gloyd had both Fentanyl and Methamphetamine in his system.

2. George Floyd had a multi-decade criminal history, which showed no sign of letting up, including multiple felons and a long history of drug use, including on the day of his death.

3. George Floyd died of cardiac arrest.

4. The autopsy performed by the state was not able to find any physical findings of either strangulation or asphyxiation. (1)

These facts, that the fake news media refuses to report on, leaves us with only 2 choices; either they know and are intentionally withholding information or they do not know. If they know and are intentionally misleading us then they are just plain evil, if however, they do not know it, then they are lazy for not doing their homework. Either way, they do not have YOUR best interests in mind.

I do not say any of this is to justify the actions of any police officer but rather to warn the reader that the trial, something that is still based on facts and evidence, could go very different than the legacy fake news media might want it to go.

Conventional wisdom tells us that we should not rush to judgment on these types of things. In the New Living Translation, Proverbs 18:13 reminds us that, “Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.”

And rioting before hearing the facts…

This post is not immune from this, something could come up now that could blow the lid off if this case but as of right now the facts, at most support manslaughter at and if the case is over-prosecuted, it could lead to a not guilty verdict.

Somehow as a nation, we need to be able to find unity through tragedy, find a way to bring people together, and not tear them apart. If we want a better world that is truly the only way forward.

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