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  • Writer's pictureSeth Segal

[Opinion] End The Riots

Updated: Jun 7, 2020

Riots from Brooklyn to LA have engulfed the country mostly egged on by Antifa agitators and other outside domestic terrorists.

by Seth Segal

Cities from Atlanta to Minneapolis and Dallas have been engulfed in flames. The stated reason, the horrific death of George Floyd who was kneeled on by a police officer until he couldn't breathe anymore. While this indeed was a heinous crime contrary to media talking heads this was an exception, not the rule for the overwhelming majority of police officers. They are good people who want to protect all Americans.

The idea of systemic racism is a fallacy which divides into identity politics rather then unites. Despite this, the officer who committed this crime deserved to get arrested & charged. He did. Police nationwide did not deserve what came next.

Riots from Brooklyn to Los Angeles have engulfed the country. Mostly egged on by Antifa agitators and other outside domestic terrorists, the fires and pain continue to drag on. The rule of law must be upheld. President Trump was elected on a platform of law and order. Anarchy and destruction by Antifa and other agitators must be condemned in the strongest terms. We do not want a repeat of the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.

We have been here before, whether in Ferguson or Baltimore, where burning down cities have occurred. The result; economic destruction and destruction of the hopes of innocent businessmen invested in these locations. In the recent riots, a fireman had invested his life savings in a store which was set on fire by these domestic terrorists.

Rioting will not bring justice. It never does. All it will bring is destruction including self-destruction. We celebrate a Martin Luther King Jr. day and not Malcolm X day for a reason. We must call for an end to this chaos and violence. We must call for law and order. For if we don't we may be in for a summer of rioting and destruction.

All opinions expressed within the contents of this article reflect the views and values of the author, not Politics NOW.

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