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  • Devin Spradling

[Opinion] Hydroxycloroquine, Cloroquine Have Been Shunned in the Treatment of COVID-19

Some of us know it as COVID-19, others SARS-CoV-2 (1), and even the novel coronavirus. Most of us just call it the coronavirus. It's dramatically affected the United States and the world. We have seen the number of infected individuals burgeon to over 1.3 million, and the proven death rate is now 49,867.

*(Please note: This is a deception by the MSM. The probable death rate is the near 79,000 deaths that the MSM has been reported. However, the 49,867 deaths were 100% conclusive; the other accounted deaths were only assumed.)

As this pandemic has ravaged our nation and world, causing severe economic damage and destroying the livelihoods of millions of families, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry continue racing towards a vaccine. As of this point, only 3 drugs led the charge in the treatment of individuals with the coronavirus: Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, and Chloroquine.

Clinically, all 3 of these drugs have shown positive results in the treatment of individuals who contract COVID-19. However, we all surely witnessed the awkwardness and disregard that the MSM, some Democrats, and even prominent health officials modeled when discussing the positive impact of Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine on COVID-19 patients. Why is that?

Let's start with the facts. Hydroxychloroquine was approved for use by the FDA as an antimalarial drug in the 1950s. Within the 21st century, however, several studies have been conducted that show its effectiveness in treating other diseases, including lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV, lymphoma, and even breast cancer and lung cancer.

Ben-Zvi, I., Kivity, S., Langevitz, al. note in their study that it was effective in its treatment of the human coronavirus (SARS-CoV-1):

"Human coronavirus (hCoV) caused a near pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2002–2003. To date, no specific antiviral drugs for the prevention or treatment of hCoV infection are available. Recently, chloroquine was shown to inhibit the replication and spread of coronavirus in vitro [36,37] and to prevent infection with hCoV in newborn mice [38], showing promise as a potential therapy of this resistant virus."

The evidence seems clear: Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine prove highly effective in the treatment of a myriad of diseases. Why isn't this evidence clearly presented to the American people? Here are my theories:

I'll phrase it this way: The healthcare industry is a large industry. Diabetes is a $327 billion industry. Although we were not able to find the most recent figures, the entire Arthritis industry is worth $140 billion in 2013 dollars. The lifetime cost for a patient with AIDS can range from $24,517 to $147,000 in 1987 dollars - and 1.1 million people in the US have it. Additionally, the cancer industry is estimated to be worth $158 billion this year. Can you connect the dots to what I'm really trying to say yet? As Big Pharma sees it: "There's no profit in a cure. No disease, no money. Keep people sick by only treating symptoms and not curing diseases? That's where the money is."

If the truth of hydroxychloroquine's and chloroquine's efficacy was portrayed and presented clearly to the American people, then the American people would demand its use in treating COVID-19 on all patients. Based on the study which I had quoted above, it would be a very powerful treatment to greatly reduce COVID-19 cases in the US. However, that's not the narrative that certain actors want to paint; they want to paint a picture of complete economic devastation, loss of patriotism, and an America that has not been made great again because of President Trump's "lack of leadership, xenophobia, racism, racist policies, tyrannical foreign policy", etc.

I'm not saying that the COVID-19 pandemic is a political hoax. However, the MSM and the Left are unequivocally capitalizing on it to make political power moves to try and turn things in their favor. It's why some Democrat-led states are prolonging shelter-in-place orders and business shutdowns in spite of the curve of COVID-19 cases being flattened. "We can't rush back into things," they often say. "This will take time," they cry - all while their own citizens can't pay their bills, while abuse and suicide rates skyrocket, while depression is dramatically on the rise, and while divorce rates are increasing because people are forced to stay home and stay out of work. (Fortunately, the American people are not falling for it; they're exercising their right to assemble and protest, so their voices can be heard, and we can take steps to reopen.)

So yes, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are effective. Yes, they would perform well in the treatment of COVID-19. However, our health officials and the MSM are not advocating for it. Stay informed. Get the facts. Stand on the truth.

Stay strong, patriots.

All opinions expressed within the contents of this article reflect the views and values of the author, not Politics NOW.


*Clark P, Casas E, Tugwell P, Medina C, Gheno C, Tenorio G et al (1993) Hydroxychloroquine compared with placebo in rheumatoid arthritis. A randomized controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 119(11):1067–1071

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