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  • Writer's pictureSam Bilotta

[Opinion] The GOP Needs Another Reagan Revolution

To sum it all up, the GOP has become more concerned with its image rather than what its core focus should be, the people. The simple fix to this: another Reagan Revolution.

By Sam Bilotta

To sum it all up, the GOP has become more concerned with its image rather than what its core focus should be, the people. The simple fix to this: another Reagan Revolution.

I want to start off by making a disclaimer: I am a life-long Republican. I say this because I may come across as critical of my party at times in this article, but like John McCain, I do not believe that as an informed citizen and an American first that I can only be critical of the opposite party of me only.

The GOP has struggled to gain momentum amongst voters in recent years. Between the tumultuous presidency of Donald Trump, to partisan fights on environmental issues, income inequality, and police reform. The GOP either fails to take action or fails to control the situation.

I’ve grown tired of all of this. Since its inception, the party has had great leaders who have implemented platforms that have been responsive to the needs of the American people. From Lincoln abolishing slavery, Theodore Roosevelt fighting for the average worker, Eisenhower creating the interstate highway and balancing the budget, to Reagan bolstering America’s military might in the face of the threat of this country’s greatest adversary. Time and time again, the GOP proved to be the party of the people and guided America through turbulent times. So why all of a sudden has that changed? And why does the party seem more divided than it once was?

There are those in the party that would argue that it has not. But let us look at the facts: The party has been lacking in providing an infrastructure program to a much needed America, it has offered no new way to replace JCPOA and deter an Iran nuclear threat, it has not offered up any legislation on police reform to respond to the demands of millions of protesters, and it continues to focus on partisan investigations instigated by the Obama era rather than do the good work of fighting for the American people.

To sum it all up, the GOP has become more concerned with its image rather than what its core focus should be, the people. The simple fix to this: another Reagan Revolution.

In 1980, the American people had little to no faith in their government. From the Watergate Scandal of Nixon, to Ford’s unimpressive presidency, to Carter literally telling the American people that there was a crisis of lack of confidence from Americans. Reagan came in offering something completely different. He sought to bring more power back to the American people.

Through tax cuts to give the people more individual spending power, by bolstering up America’s military and its position in the world, and by creating peace in the world through nuclear disarmament, Reagan made Americans proud to be Americans again.

The GOP needs to redefine itself. It needs to come back as in touch with the needs and fears of the American citizenry. When Americans needed money during the recession of 1980, he gave the people money through tax cuts. When the American people were worried about nuclear war with the Soviet Union, he went to the negotiating table with the Soviets and conducted negotiations until the INF treaty was signed and ratified in 1987.

I hope that going forward, the GOP will be more responsive to the people. I hope they cooperate with Democrats to give us meaningful police reform, an infrastructure program, social security reform so that my generation will see their social security benefits, and much more. I hope that they look to our party’s greatest leader and go forward to create another GOP boom for another generation.

All opinions expressed within the contents of this article reflect the views and values of the author, not Politics NOW.

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