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  • Writer's pictureMatthew White

[Opinion] We Must Unite!

We Must Unite! 

By Matthew White

In just a few days, the attention has been taken off of Covid-19 and now has turned to see what is currently taking place in Minneapolis, Minnesota and around the country. It seems that the world is falling apart. It’s a time like this where one must step back and think where have I seen all of this before?

For the past few months, we have seen the world working together to try and conquer Covid-19. We saw people at the beginning of the crisis helping one another. Simple gestures such as buying groceries for your elderly neighbor or supporting the people on the front lines of the crisis. In this crisis, we have seen millions of people out of work and businesses closed up for good. It has been devastating to see the local business you grew up with close down and see people’s livelihoods destroyed. All of this suffering has occurred and yet no one is talking about Covid-19 anymore. 

It didn’t take long for the next bombshell to drop in the media. This time around we witnessed the tragic death of George Floyd. The video of the incident has caught fire on the internet such as the fire of the buildings burning down in Minneapolis and across the country. What happens to George Floyd was incomprehensible and there needs to be justice for him and his family. These cops should be held to the highest standard of the law, but the rioting and looting since his death are not justified at all. 

There has been building after building burned down in the city of Minneapolis, but there has been little to no response. The leadership of Mayor Jacob Frey and Governor Tim Walz has been irrelevant and has allowed the city to be turned into shambles. A common tendency of the Democrat party. I believe people have the right to peacefully protest, but the rioting and looting are unacceptable. There are people looking to take advantage of a situation like this. Groups like ANTIFA are going out and destroying cities and destroying the lives of innocent people. These are thieves and arsonists that are doing a disservice to not only the city but to George Floyd. It begs us to question: When does it all end?

I believe now we should all reflect on what is occurring in front of our eyes. People once united to beat Covid-19 have now turned on each other. So quick are people to fight with one another. Fighting with one another will not get us answers, but lead to the destruction of all of us. What would have Martin Luther King thought? What about George Floyd? There are people out there who want us divided, but we can’t let them win. We must unite now more than ever before we destroy ourselves. Rest In Peace George Floyd. 

All opinions expressed within the contents of this article reflect the views and values of the author, not Politics NOW.

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