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  • Writer's pictureSeth Segal

Senator Josh Hawley Threatened by China

Updated: May 25, 2020

Missouri's Junior Senator Josh Hawley is seeking to propose a bill that would allow Missourians to sue China for damages related to the Wuhan Coronavirus. Senator Hawley wishes to take away China's "sovereign immunity" which would open up China to lawsuits. It's called "The Justice For Victims of Coronavirus" act.

China threatened the Junior Senator due to his comments. The communist Chinese government has threatened to slap Senator Hawley and Missouri with sanctions.

Senator Hawley told Tucker Carlson in an interview "Well, China has said that they are going to sanction me personally, whatever that means, and they're going to sanction my state, the State of Missouri, because we had the temerity, Tucker, to actually stand up,”

Yet again China is showing hostility toward America and our lawmakers. The Global Times, a Chinese newspaper, stated "China won't just strike back symbolically, but will impose countermeasures that will make them feel the pain, analysts said." China is ironically threatening Americans after they released a horrible pandemic on the world.

Before the Wuhan virus China had a history of spying on America. China had also conducted currency manipulation. China then allowed Wuhan residents to travel to America and other countries while banning them from traveling within China. Now a number of Senators are finally standing up to China including Senator Hawley, Senator Tom Cotton, and others.

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